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Understanding Value of User Experience (UX) 

This Exercise aims to research and present regarding the use and application of UX in different fields


To explore how User Experience (UX) is applied to numerous fields and to understand its value through collaboration with team members.

The steps to go about this were to do primary research about jobs in our team members' interest area and secondary research about trends in UX and the implications of these developments in diverse fields through job search activity. Our exercise was more UX focused because all members in our team was UX majors; however, we did go into detail about AI and UX in the gaming industry because we are also interested in this. To complete this activity, we all did individual research and discussed our findings to come up with conclusions and similarities that we explored more in depth and later used to form our final presentation.​


Centered around the pursuit of our dream roles as UX designers, our team embarked on a collaborative journey of exploration and discovery.

Armed with a shared passion for user experience, we engaged in rigorous secondary research, meticulously dissecting the intricacies of various job descriptions. Through this process, we identified common themes and core competencies essential to the UX design landscape. Armed with this collective understanding, we captured our insights on post-it notes, allowing us to visually juxtapose and compare the similarities and differences among our dream jobs. This exercise not only deepened our appreciation for the multifaceted nature of UX design but also highlighted the universal value of user-centric principles across diverse industries. By synthesizing our findings, we gained valuable insights into the foundational pillars of our chosen profession, reinforcing our commitment to crafting seamless and impactful user experiences.

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My personal contribution was instrumental in facilitating a comprehensive understanding of the UX design landscape.

In this collaborative endeavor, drawing upon my research skills and passion for user experience, I actively participated in the analysis of various job descriptions, identifying key similarities and differences that transcended industry boundaries. Through thoughtful reflection and analysis, I contributed to the synthesis of our collective findings, capturing essential insights on post-it notes to visually represent our discoveries. My attention to detail and commitment to excellence ensured that no nuance was overlooked, allowing us to uncover the intrinsic value of user-centric design principles in shaping diverse professional aspirations. By actively engaging in this exercise, I not only enriched my own understanding of UX design but also fostered a collaborative spirit within the team, laying the groundwork for future endeavors in the dynamic field of user experience.



Wireframing & Prototyping

Wireframing and prototyping are crucial in UX design as they provide tangible representations of concepts, facilitating iterative refinement and user testing.

Collaboration & Teamwork

Collaboration and teamwork lie at the heart of UX design, fostering synergy among diverse stakeholders to achieve shared objectives. In our dream roles as UX designers, effective collaboration enables us to integrate insights from multidisciplinary teams, resulting in holistic solutions that address user needs comprehensively and innovatively.

User Research

User research forms the bedrock of UX design, guiding our understanding of user behaviors, preferences, and pain points. As UX designers, conducting thorough user research empowers us to design solutions grounded in empathy and user-centricity, ensuring that our products resonate with and address the needs of our target audience effectively.

Inclusivity & Accessibility

Inclusivity and accessibility are paramount in UX design, ensuring that products and services are usable and beneficial to all users, regardless of their abilities or backgrounds. As UX designers, prioritizing inclusivity fosters a more empathetic approach to design, ultimately leading to solutions that accommodate diverse user needs and promote equal access to digital experiences.

Idea Generation

Idea generation fuels innovation in UX design, sparking creativity and driving the development of novel solutions to user challenges. As UX designers, cultivating a culture of idea generation enables us to explore a wide range of possibilities, uncovering innovative approaches to problem-solving and pushing the boundaries of user experience design.


Engagement is key in UX design, capturing and maintaining user interest and involvement throughout their interaction with a product or service. As UX designers, fostering engagement enhances the overall user experience, creating memorable interactions that resonate with users and encourage continued usage and loyalty.



Our exploration enabled us to delve deeply into the intricacies of the UX designer role and its requisite skill set.

Through our job searches, we forged personal connections to this information, recognizing the significance of activities like sketching and prototyping within the design cycle. While we had acknowledged their importance, it wasn't until classroom discussions and observing numerous job postings that we fully grasped their impact. These practices encapsulate the essence of UX, emphasizing creative problem-solving and effective communication. Furthermore, by researching and synthesizing industry trends, we gained valuable insights into skill refinement, recognizing areas for development in our chosen field of UX design. This exercise provided us with a comprehensive understanding of UX from multiple perspectives, equipping us with the knowledge and readiness to progress confidently in our coursework, applying the lessons we've acquired.

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