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Empowering Grocery Store

How can physical grocery stores offer new experiences that captivate and delight consumers?


To revitalize the grocery shopping experience for young adults to middle-aged range individuals, ultimately enticing them to return to their favorite store locations and engage physical shopping once again.

The primary goal is to help young adults to middle-aged shoppers in visiting grocery store, taking into account their shopping priorities. College students are a key demographic we have in mid, as they often face challenges such as confined living spaces in dorms or apartments, crowded environments, and noisy roommates, which can impede their ability to study effectively. 


What kind of issues do shoppers face in grocery stores?

How do we integrate their challenges and redesign the grocery store? 

To achieve our goals, we conducted thorough research on the challenges posed by overcrowded grocery stores, drawing insights from recent observations. By integrating solutions to address these issues, we aim to improve the overall shopping experience for our target users. 


Our analysis highlighted the significant challenges posed by overcrowded grocery stores, including congestion, chaos, and difficulty in navigation. Addressing these issues is essential to creating a more positive shopping experience and encouraging customers to return to physical stores. Moving forward, we planned to integrate solutions that prioritize customer convenience to revitalize the grocery shopping experience. 


To understand consumer preferences and behaviors regarding shopping methods, we have conducted total five interviews including one English version and four responses from the Korean version of Google Forms to explore insights and to expand our perspectives. 

We could analyze responses and focus on the preferences for in-person shopping and the reasons behind it. We also could integrate convenience and technology to enhance the shopping process. 



  •  In-person shopping remains preferred due to product comparison and reward systems. 

  • Addressing overcrowding issues is crucial to improving the shopping experience. 

  • Convenience and technological integration are significant factors for consumer satisfaction. 

  • Implementing targeted strategies can increase foot traffic and boost store appeal. 



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Some of the data collected through interviews and survey

- Crowding in Grocery Store

Some of the data collected through interviews and survey

- Recommendation on Grocery Store


Based on insights from our interviews, understand how the user could shop in grocery stores and make the process more structured. This includes user's needs, going stores, comparing between items, selecting, and checking out. 

We organized the journey of the middle-aged man by making the scenario and then analyzing its pain points, touchpoints, opportunities, and emotions. 



  • Shopping for a long time might feel exhausting from a shopper's perspective.

  • Store navigation might be the biggest problem for the majority of shoppers. 

  • Augmented Reality (AR) Application would help to solve navigation issues. 

  • Coupons or membership points might be a great idea to revitalize the grocery store and make it engaging.  




User journey Map_edited.jpg


  1. QR/NFC Tags Integration on product 

  2. VR Integration showing the overall process and freshness 

  3. VIP Lounge that is exclusive and has multiple features

  4. AR Integration on mobile application that helps users' navigation

  5. Loyalty points that accumulate membership points


QR/NFC Tags Integration

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Augmented Reality (AR) System in Mobile Application

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To get firsthand experience of shoppers' perspectives and their behaviors at grocery stores.

We find out that some people at the grocery store were losing their way and wandering around, seems they were having a hard time with store navigation. Additionally, for user testing, I downloaded the application of the grocery store, but it only showed the aisle numbers, which still makes it hard to navigate the store inside. 


After observation, we did not gain any new insights or findings; however, we validated our final idea by matching our interview responses and observations. As we engaged in observing actual grocery stores, we could get ideas clearer on future user testing and final design. 


Created and refined paper prototypes for the video presentation. This process allowed me to visualize and conceptualize ideas more effectively. 


Our final video presentation unveils the meticulous design process behind our exclusive lounge, intricately crafted to breathe new life into the grocery shopping experience, particularly targeting young adults to middle-aged shoppers. 


Redesigning of the grocery store project marked an important stride in elevating the overall shopping experience.

Through thorough research, encompassing an analysis of current grocery store trends, observation on shopper behaviors, interviews, and firsthand observations, our team gained valuable insights into the challenges inherent in traditional grocery shopping experiences. By meticulously addressing key pain points and emotions identified through our user journey map, we honed our understanding of the shopper and their needs. This project not only deepened my comprehension of shopper behaviors but also established a new benchmark for innovative solutions in grocery store revamping, paving the way for future enhancements in the retail landscape. 

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