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Social Outreach Starship


What can a Starship do?


To revolutionize the role of Starship delivery robots on Purdue's campus by designing innovative applications that foster human connection and meet diverse community needs beyond traditional food delivery.

Our goal in this project is to redesign and redefine the role of Starship delivery robots on Purdue's campus by exploring innovative applications beyond food delivery, aiming to cultivate new forms of human connection and address diverse community needs. Through a structured process encompassing data collection, user research, ideation, prototyping, and evaluation, our team collaborates to investigate attitudes towards automated delivery services, conduct insightful user interviews, and craft unique design solutions. Leveraging skills such as data analysis, prototyping, and user feedback evaluation, we aim to develop and refine novel Starship delivery concepts that transcend traditional food service, unlocking new opportunities for interaction, convenience, and engagement across campus.


​The method employed in this project involves a systematic approach to designing innovative applications for Starship delivery robots, extending beyond traditional food delivery services.

Our members engage in comprehensive background research to investigate issues related to automated delivery services, such as Starship robots. Following this, each of our team member conducts interviews with at least four individuals to gather user research data, recording these interviews for future reference. Utilizing insights from the user research phase, teams generate ideas for non-food delivery applications of Starship robots. Iteratively, teams sketch and storyboard design solutions aimed at altering users' mental models of what a Starship can accomplish. Finally, teams evaluate solutions each other by conducting design evaluation tests with at least three individuals per team member, using the results to refine and enhance designs iteratively.


Blue Background



(Initial Research)

Blue Skies





Creative Ideation

Blue Personal Objects


Sketch and Storyboards

Abstract Linear Background


Main Idea Storyboards

Blue Light




As our team has lack of knowledge about Starship, we wanted to learn as much as we could about Starship and other general information. Our research included: articles, news, and books. After our group found the information, we generated it in our documentation and found similarities to organize the information. Accomplishing initial research, helped us to move on to the next step, interviews and sketching.


Through our primary research interviews, we gained valuable insights into the perceptions and attitudes surrounding the utilization of Starship delivery robots on campus. Crafting a protocol allowed us to systematically gather data from individuals who both have and have not used the service, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of varying perspectives. From these interviews, we discovered that cost emerged as a significant barrier to adoption, with participants citing the availability of cheaper alternatives as a deterrent to utilizing the Starship service for food delivery. Moreover, participants expressed limited awareness of safety concerns and usage complications, highlighting a potential need for increased education and communication regarding the functionality and benefits of Starship robots. Interestingly, interviewees proposed alternative uses for Starship robots beyond food delivery, suggesting the potential for expanding their role to include the transportation of textbooks and essential materials from campus shops. These findings underscore the importance of addressing cost concerns and diversifying the functionalities of Starship robots to better align with user needs and preferences.


Starship robot at Purdue University 


Retail Assistance 

  • Could assist with restocking shelves, transporting products within a store, and inventory management 

Using Starship as a Tour guide

  • Starship will guide visitors to explore popular or undiscovered places.

  • Emergency medicine is provided to prepare for any situations in which visitors get sick. 

  • Or by delivering maps, brochures, or information to visitors, enhancing their overall experience.

Safety and security of students.

  • When it is late and someone is walking back to their dorm or somewhere else, the robot could accompany them and connect them to emergency services just in case. 

Campus or University Transport

  • Besides food and beverages, it could help in transporting books, documents, and other products between libraries, different departments and student service centers

  • Or deliver packages from the mailroom to the dorm once it’s processed

Starships as general guides for students

  • If a freshman doesn’t know how to get to a class, they could be led by the Starship. 

  • Someone who is visually impaired could use the robot as aid. 

  • “Find an IT department near me” could be an example of demand. Or finding club events.

Marketing avenues

  • Starships could have screens on the sides that scroll through campus ads 

Educational Outreach

  • Starship robots could be used for STEM education by providing hands-on experience with robotics and technology 

Emergency medical supplies delivery 

  • If someone is sick they can get prescriptions from PUSH approved which will be picked up and delivered by starships 

  • In emergency situations when someone is hurt, starships carrying aid kits can deliver items to the the emergency location

Mobile Retail  

  • Starship could carry a curated selection of products, visit neighborhoods or events, provide unique shopping opportunities, and enhance the overall retail experience.


We created storyboards and sketches of all our brainstormed ideas. Our storyboards and ideations were inspired by interview data, thorough research, and an analysis of the pros and cons associated with different ideas. 

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Initial Storyboard Ideas on Tour Guide & Retail 


Marketing of Clubs and Social Events


  • So a person or a community is advertising an event, other people around campus are interacting with these ads/posters.

  • We can also implement a screen on top of the starship so that it doesn’t have to be a poster or a physical paper, it can interchange digitally.

  • Could take you directly to the event from the place you are, such as specific club locations or current events like the Career Fairs. This helps facilitate networking as well. 

  • It could be programmed for announcements by people, so a person is speaking to a group through the Starship


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Our design approach is rooted in the belief that integrating innovative technologies like the Starship into university settings can revolutionize campus engagement and awareness, particularly for new students navigating their way through campus life. By focusing on leveraging the marketing and social potential of the Starship, we aim to facilitate human-to-human interaction and promote campus involvement effectively. Our refined design features a cutting-edge digital screen equipped with QR codes for instant access to event information and interactive maps, ensuring seamless navigation to various campus destinations. The incorporation of a communication component fosters direct connections between users, promoting networking and collaboration. Moreover, our commitment to user satisfaction led us to enhance the design with weather protection for the top screen, ensuring functionality in all conditions. Overall, our design rationale seeks to create a dynamic and resilient platform that enhances the university experience, fosters community connections, and encourages personal and academic growth among students.

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Final Storyboard



We have gleaned valuable insights into the transformative potential of innovative technologies, such as the Starship, in enhancing campus engagement and awareness among students.

By strategically leveraging the marketing and social capabilities of the Starship, we have devised a design solution aimed at facilitating human-to-human interaction and promoting campus involvement effectively. Our refined design, featuring a high-tech digital screen and communication component, underscores the importance of seamless navigation and direct connections between users. Additionally, our commitment to user satisfaction led us to incorporate weather protection, ensuring the functionality of the design in all conditions. Overall, this project has highlighted the importance of user-centered design in creating dynamic and resilient platforms that enrich the university experience, foster community connections, and encourage personal and academic growth among students.

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